Hidden Wellbeing articles
- How do I switch my MIS synching option from Assembly to Xporter?
- Syncing your pupils
- Syncing year groups & classes
- Syncing your teachers
- Setting up your connection to Xporter
- Things to check before setting up your sync
- Adding and/or approving teachers
- How to manually set up year groups and classes in Wellbeing and Attitudes to Learning
- Authorising the connection for Wonde administrators
- Syncing your pupils
- Syncing year groups & classes
- Syncing your teachers
- Things to check before setting up your Wonde sync
- Setting up your Wonde connection
- Tips and best practice for CSV uploads
- How to delete a pupil record from Wellbeing
- How to manually edit a pupil record in Wellbeing
- How to manually add a pupil record to Wellbeing
- Syncing with Xporter
- How do I edit more than one pupil record in Wellbeing?
- How do I add pupils in bulk to Wellbeing?
- How do I delete a teacher account from Wellbeing?
- How do I edit a teacher account for Wellbeing?
- How do I add a teacher account to Wellbeing?