To connect Wellbeing to Xporter, you will need to access Hodder Education’s Admin Hub.
The Hodder Education Admin Hub can be accessed via this link. On the log in screen, please enter your Access Coordinator username and password. Your centre ID is not required.
Once you have logged in, please select ‘Manage Admin Hub’. If your centre has access to more than one Hodder Education service, you will be asked to select which one you would like to administrate. Please select ‘Wellbeing':
Alternatively, log into Wellbeing directly here, and then open up the Admin Hub by clicking on the green icon in the top right hand corner. The Admin Hub will open in a new window or tab.
Select the ‘School’ tab, then select the sub-tab ‘MIS user sync’:
Beneath the Xporter logo, select ‘Authorise’.
You will then be asked to verify the details of your school to establish the Xporter connection request, and once submitted, you will receive further instruction from Xporter to complete the process.
You will then be sent an email invitation. Click on the ‘Begin Authorisation’ link to sync you MIS data and complete your setup in your Xporter manage School Portal.
You will then be asked to confirm if you have the authority to enable data sharing on behalf of the school. If you are the right person, please click on ‘Proceed’. If not, simply click on ‘No’ and fill in the details of the person this email should be forwarded to.
Choose the MIS the school uses and proceed to the next step.
You will then be presented with the data areas which Wellbeing are requesting access to from your MIS. Once you are happy with the selection, please proceed to the next step.
You can also choose how you wish to share your data with Hodder, whether it be exclude all data by default or an include all data by default option.
The final step will display a summary of the data authorisation and settings chosen before clicking Authorise Sharing. You are now ready to begin syncing your MIS data with the Wellbeing admin hub.
When the connection has been successfully completed, you will be able to select 'Start sync' beneath the Xporter logo on the MIS Data-sync tab in the Admin Hub, and move on to: Syncing your teachers.
Deauthorising a connection with Xporter
Should you wish to deauthorise your connection with Xporter, selecting ‘Deauthorise’ within the Authorisation screen of Admin Hub will disable all syncing of users.
You will also need to log in to your Xporter Manage School Portal, simply go to Data Sharing -> Data Sharing Dashboard -> select the app and then ‘Revoke Access for this app.