The syncing screens will talk you through the general steps, but below you will find more in-depth guidance in syncing your teachers via Wonde. After clicking 'start sync', the 'Teachers' panel will allow you to choose the staff members you’d like to import to Wellbeing, and match them with any applicable records that already exist.
Please note that it may take up to a minute for Admin Hub to generate the full list of all teachers from your MIS. As all staff members will be shown, this may include non-teachers, or teachers that do not require access to Wellbeing- please choose whether or not to add these staff members to Wellbeing.
Import new teachers
Use the column on the right to tick the staff members you’d like to import/sync via Wonde, and thus be added to Wellbeing. The button at the bottom, Untick all, will tick or untick all new teachers. As there will likely be a high number of teachers that do not require Wellbeing access, all teachers are deselected by default.
Sync existing teachers
You may already have Teachers in Hodder Education Group’s Admin Hub, either because you use Wellbeing, or another Rising Stars, Galore Park or Hodder Education online product. The system will automatically match any accounts already in the Admin Hub which are identical to ones in your MIS, but may not be able to match teachers if there are any spelling discrepancies. You may find teachers who have left the school but still exist in the Admin Hub database, and we would recommend removing these accounts first before beginning the sync process (see Checklist of key steps to follow before attempting to sync with your MIS).
Teachers are listed in the order that they should be reviewed:
Not matched
These are teachers that exist in your Hodder Education Group’s Admin Hub but have no clear match to the data in your MIS.
To match a user with the correct person from your MIS, select the row and then select ‘Match’. This will open a window that will allow you to search for and select a user from your MIS to match with:
Select the appropriate user from the list and then select ‘Match’.
If there is a large list of unmatched users, you can enter a partial name in to the ‘Filter’ box, which will look for users of that name within the list. Note that you will likely have a long list of unmatched users if there are a high number of teachers who have left the school but have not been deleted from the Admin Hub database. You can undo a teacher matched in error by clicking on the row and selecting ‘Unmatch’.
These are teachers from your Wonde connection with no clear match in your Hodder Education Group’s Admin Hub. Unless you choose to match these teachers with an account in the Admin Hub, they will be imported as new users. You should check very carefully that there is no match with an existing teacher profile in Admin Hub to avoid any duplicate teachers being imported.
May match
Please examine any teacher listed with a status of May match – these have been identified by the system as matching because they are a very close match – if the match is incorrect, select the teacher and then select the ‘Unmatch’ button, otherwise these accounts will be matched.
These are teachers that the system has been able to match with reasonable certainty. We would still recommend a review of these accounts to ensure no errors have been made.
Email addresses
Every teacher logs into our sites using their email address and sets their own password via a link that is sent by email – so everyone needs a valid address. If you have matched a teacher with an existing account in your Admin Hub, then an email address will already exist. For newly imported teachers from Wonde, a valid email address must be specified.
You can use the Batch create email addresses button to auto-generate email addresses for any new teachers you are importing according to your school’s email format.
Please note that if you need to change a user’s email address after completion of the initial sync, this should be done via the Admin Hub ‘Teacher’s tab. This is the only field that can be amended via Admin Hub for users in a ‘Synced’ state, all other data can only be amended in your MIS and these changes will be picked up via your Wonde connection to Wellbeing.
Save and sync
When you select Save and sync teachers, all ticked, new teachers will be imported into the Hodder Education Group Admin Hub or matched with their existing equivalents. All newly added teachers will be sent a welcome email allowing them to set a password.
You are then ready to proceed to: Syncing year groups and classes.