If you have added learners to Boost Insights manually, then you can use the manual promotion tool to move them up to the correct year group at the start of a new academic year.
You can also create promotion chains to move them up to their new registration groups at the same time. However, please be aware that this option is only viable for classes promoting as one. If classes do not promote as one, then you will need to edit your classes manually.
If you've synced your learners via your MIS, see Promoting Learners with an MIS Sync instead.
Using the Manual Promotion Tool
Before completing the steps below, we recommend creating a 'Leavers' class in the purple Classes tab. You can promote your oldest year group to this class to separate them from your current students.
For further guidance, see Managing Year Groups and Classes.
- Log in to Boost Insights as the Access Coordinator.
- Click the Admin Hub icon in the bottom left and go to School > Promotion > Overview.
- Click Next in the bottom right corner, then Next again on the Review year groups panel.
- Tick the year groups you'd like to manage in Boost Insights, then click Save and continue in the bottom right.
- On the Review classes panel, click Next.
- Use the dropdown boxes to set up your class promotion chains (including your 'Leavers' class, if you have created one), then click Save and continue in the bottom right. This step is optional.
- On the Promote pupils panel, click Next, then Promote all pupils in the bottom right.
If you have made a mistake, you will have the option to Undo last promotion on the Final Steps and Overview panels. You can undo the last promotion at any time.