When an order is placed for Wellbeing and Attitudes to Learning, the person placing the order will be required to nominate someone at your school to become the Access Coordinator. This person has two key roles – to firstly look after teachers’ access to Wellbeing and Attitudes to Learning, by creating accounts for teachers, and turning access off for any teachers who leave, and secondly to set up your school in Wellbeing and Attitudes to Learning by uploading pupils’ details to the system.
The Access Coordinator ensures your school’s data is secure. The role can be carried out by anyone appropriate within your school; it is not a time-consuming role and does not require any specialised IT skills; it’s simply a way of protecting your school’s data and making sure that only the right people at your school have access.
When an order is placed for Wellbeing and Attitudes to Learning, the person placing the order will be required to nominate someone at your school to become the Access Coordinator. This person has two key roles – to firstly look after teachers’ access to Wellbeing and Attitudes to Learning, by creating accounts for teachers, and turning access off for any teachers who leave, and secondly to set up your school in Wellbeing and Attitudes to Learning by uploading pupils’ details to the system.
The Access Coordinator ensures your school’s data is secure. The role can be carried out by anyone appropriate within your school; it is not a time-consuming role and does not require any specialised IT skills; it’s simply a way of protecting your school’s data and making sure that only the right people at your school have access.
How do I find out who my Access Coordinator is?
If you try to access your school’s Wellbeing and Attitudes to Learning account without having been approved by your current Access Coordinator, you will receive a notice to allow you to request authorisation from the Access Coordinator:
If you're already signed into Wellbeing and Attitudes to Learning, you can check who your Access Coordinator is by clicking the Admin Hub icon (the green icon with the spanner in the top right hand corner):
On the green teacher's tab, the Access Coordinator is denoted by AC under 'Type'.
How do I change our school's Access Coordinator?
For guidance on how the current Access Coordinator can nominate someone else for the role, or if you require assistance where your Access Coordinator has left the school/is not contactable, please click here.