The pupil listing report allows you to see and compare individual pupil’s results within year groups, classes, groups or contextual groups.
Use the drop-down menu to choose which year group, class, group or contextual group you would like to display and click ‘Apply’:
You will then be able to see every pupil listed and the overall zone they have scored for each of the four dimensions:
The most recent survey results will appear automatically. If you would like to compare multiple survey attempts (up to 3) use the drop-down menus at the top of the columns.
Scroll down the page to see the Pupil listing report divided by dimension:
Use the grey tabs to navigate by dimension and the yellow tabs to see pupil results for every sub-dimension.
To the right of the graph you can see their overall score, and if more than one survey has been selected, you will be able to compare the bars for each survey attempt and use the key to see if a pupil’s score has worsened, stayed the same or improved.
Like the Group reports you have the option to save the reports as a PDF or as a spreadsheet. The spreadsheet export will give you a breakdown of each pupil’s score for every question.