Once a Functional Skills assessment has been assigned to a learner, class, or group, you can start generating reports for that assessment. When a learner completes an assessment, the reports will update accordingly. In addition, the assigning tutor will receive a notification in their 'Notifications' tray.
Most Functional Skills assessment questions are auto-marked by the system, but some must be manually marked. Again, the assigning tutor will receive a notification if this is required.
Functional Skills Reports
There are four types of report to choose from. Visit the articles below for a detailed overview of each report type and instructions for generating them:
Manually Marking a Functional Skills Assessment
If a Functional Skills assessment requires manual marking, then the assigning tutor will see a notification in their Notifications tray.
Select the Notifications icon and then click the Knowledge Test notification to be taken to the marking page. Here you will see the student's answer, be able to download the relevant mark scheme, and enter the student's marks with feedback.
Once you have saved your teacher-marked responses, these will transfer to the student's report.
To see an overview of all Knowledge Tests waiting to be manually marked, select View Reports from the main dashboard or the Reports icon on the sidebar. Next, scroll to the bottom of the page and select Manually Mark.