When you assign a Functional Skills assessment to a learner, they are given access to 'Initial Assessment: Level 1'. Boost will then automatically assign subsequent assessments based on their performance.
Generally, scores in the higher and lower ranges will lead learners to the initial assessments for the next or previous levels, respectively; mid-range scores will lead them to the diagnostic tests for the current level.
Learners who have been assigned the 'Initial assessment only' credit will be able to see any diagnostic tests that are auto-assigned to them. However, you will need to upgrade them to the 'Full subscription' credit before they can access them.
Auto-Assignment Logic Chart
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'Initial Assessment: Level 1' Logic
Each learner starts with this assessment when they are assigned a Functional Skills credit.
0-6 Marks: The learner will be automatically assigned 'Initial Assessment: Entry Level 3'. Scroll down for more information.
7-12 Marks: This result suggests that the learner is working towards Level 1. They will be automatically assigned the diagnostic tests for each topic area at Level 1.
13-18 Marks: The learner will be automatically assigned 'Initial Assessment: Level 2'.
'Initial Assessment: Level 2' Logic
Learners will be automatically assigned this assessment if they score high enough on 'Initial Assessment: Level 1'.
0-12 Marks: This result suggests that the learner is working towards Level 2. They will be automatically assigned the diagnostic tests for each topic area at Level 2.
13-18 Marks: This result suggests that the learner is working towards Level 2. They will not be automatically assigned any additional work. Instead, they will be directed to speak to their tutor about the next steps they should take.
'Initial Assessment: Entry Level 3' Logic
Learners will be automatically assigned this assessment if they score too low on 'Initial Assessment: Level 1'.
0-6 Marks: The learner will be automatically assigned 'Initial Assessment: Entry Level 2'.
7-12 Marks: This result suggests that the learner is currently working towards Entry Level 3. They will be automatically assigned the diagnostic tests for each topic area at Entry Level 3.
13-18 Marks: This result suggests that the learner is working towards Level 1. They will be automatically assigned the diagnostic tests for each topic area at Level 1.
'Initial Assessment: Entry Level 2' Logic
Learners will be automatically assigned this assessment if they score too low on 'Initial Assessment: Entry Level 3'.
0-6 Marks: The learner will be automatically assigned 'Initial Assessment: Entry Level 1'.
7-18 Marks: This result suggests that the learner is working towards Entry Level 2. They will not be automatically assigned any additional work. Instead, they will be directed to speak to their tutor about the next steps they should take.
'Initial Assessment: Entry Level 1' Logic
Learners will be automatically assigned this assessment if they score too low on 'Initial Assessment: Entry Level 2'.
0-6 Marks: This result suggests that the learner is working below Entry Level 1. They will not be automatically assigned any additional work. Instead, they will be directed to speak to their tutor about the next steps they should take.
7-17 Marks: This results suggests that the learner is working towards Entry Level 1. They will not be automatically assigned any additional work. Instead, they will be advised to speak to their tutor about the next steps they should take.