Hidden MARK articles
- PUMA KS3 & PiRA KS3: academic year, class or group reporting
- Adding Your Pupil Records by CSV Import
- BNST: Pupil reporting
- SSCRT: Pupil reporting
- Individual Retention Report (Parent)
- Individual Retention Report (Teacher)
- Group Retention Report
- Managing Test Data Sharing Preferences with Xporter
- How do I switch my MIS synching option from Assembly to Xporter?
- NEW PiRA and PUMA: academic year, class or group reporting
- NEW PiRA and PUMA: pupil reporting
- Tips and best practice for CSV uploads
- Shine Grouped pupil report
- Shine Individual pupil report
- FFT Aspire Pupil Tracking FAQs
- Authorising the connection for Wonde administrators
- Syncing your pupils
- Syncing year groups & classes
- Syncing your teachers
- Syncing your pupils
- Syncing year groups & classes
- Syncing your teachers
- Setting up your Wonde connection
- Things to check before setting up your Wonde sync
- Setting up your connection to Xporter
- Things to check before setting up your sync
- PIRA for Scotland: pupil reporting
- PIRA for Scotland: academic year, class or group reporting
- NTS Mathematics and NTS Reading: academic year, class or group reporting
- NTS Mathematics and NTS Reading: pupil reporting