This report shows the performance of one group on a specific test, the prior year core learning they have and haven’t understood and the 3 least-understood areas of learning for the class. Use for:
- Planning support and interventions
- Pinpointing areas of prior year core maths knowledge that require revisiting or practice before pupils can progress with current year learning.
Summary data includes:
- The date the test was taken
- Pupils who require substantial further teaching of core learning
- Pupils who require some further support for core learning
- Pupils who are secure and ready to progress
- The three least-understood ready to progress criteria for the group
- The pupil’s raw score out of total marks
- Group averages for each ready to progress criteria
- RAG-rated question level analysis
- Automated filtering of results by criteria
- Direct links to individual retention reports via pupil names
The table on the second page shows RAG-rated question level across the class or group and shows whether core knowledge is fully, partially or not understood.