This article explains how to copy and edit course plans, please also see:
Related articles:
You can make a copy of a course plan, to edit its content. To do this, select the arrow icon:
The greyed-out options are only available for course plans already made/edited by you or another colleague:
Selecting 'Copy' will immediately create a copy of the course plan as it currently is, and will be named as a 'Copy of...' unless you choose to later amend this yourself:
If you choose 'Edit', you'll be able to edit both the structure and content of the course plan. Selecting 'edit' for an original plan will make a new, saved copy (so you won't overwrite the original by mistake).
Editing is divided up into two main parts: the toggle structure view, and the toggle editor view.
Editing the structure
When you select 'Edit', the default tab selected will be the toggle structure view.
Use the tile icon on the left-hand side to drag and drop sections and sub-sections into a new order.
The pen button lets you re-name a particular section or sub-section.
The bin icon allows you to delete that section or sub-section entirely:
At the end of each sub-section and the listing of sections you can add a new sub-section or section.
Editing the content
To edit content sections within a course plan, select the 'Toggle Editor View' tab:
To edit the notes under 'Topic, sub-topic', click into the box. This will open up the editing field:
The toolbar lets you alter the appearance of the text, add lists, add links and so on.
Please note: if you want to change the name of the topic or sub-topic, you'll need to do so on the 'Toggle Structure View' tab, as outlined in the earlier section of this article.
When you're happy with your edits, remember to select 'Save' to save your changes.