The Shine Intervention reports are designed specifically:
- to identify gaps in knowledge in the Areas of Learning covered by each test
- each of the intervention reports include access to Shine Learning Sequences
The Grouped intervention report focuses on the Learning Sequence suggestions for pupils grouped by their performance in each Area of Learning for the standardised assessment taken.
The first part of the report gives context, showing basic pupil information and the paper that the report is being generated for.
For Shine Maths the second section gives learning sequence recommendations and includes:
- Strand – National Curriculum strands
- Area of Learning – these make up a strand
- Suggested Learning Sequences - Each suggested Learning Sequence title is a hyperlink that you can use to access the associated resources.
- Pupils – lists the pupils grouped by the Area of Learning
- Score – each pupil’s score within that Area of Learning
For Shine Reading Skills the second section gives learning sequence recommendations and includes:
- Area of Learning – these make up a strand
- Suggested Learning Sequences - Each suggested Learning Sequence title is a hyperlink that you can use to access the associated resources.
- Pupils – lists the pupils grouped by the Area of Learning
- Score – each pupil’s score within that Area of Learning
For Shine GPS the second section gives learning sequence recommendations and includes:
- Area of Learning – these make up a strand
- Suggested Learning Sequences - Each suggested Learning Sequence title is a hyperlink that you can use to access the associated resources.
- Pupils – lists the pupils grouped by the Area of Learning
- Score – each pupil’s score within that Area of Learning