Once you have synced your pupils, the final part of your sync is to configure your data sharing preferences. Select the 'Data sharing' tab underneath 'School', and select 'Configure' beneath the Assembly logo.
Please note: Assembly can only access old PiRA and PUMA test data from MARK. If you want to send NTS Assessments, New PiRA or New PUMA test data from MARK you will need to configure using the Xporter tile.
If test data sharing is enabled, every time a synced pupil has a paper marked, their test data will immediately be sent to Assembly.
You must also have agreed to share test data as an optional scope on the Assembly site.
To ensure that historical data reporting is available in Assembly for review you must ensure that the ‘Share historical data’ box is ticked.
If you no longer wish to share this data, you can de-tick ‘Share all available data’ here.
Your sync is now complete. You will be able to use your pupils to populate their class/year group marksheets, assign interactive tests, etc. immediately.