Individual Pupil Report
This report shows the performance of an individual pupil on their most recently taken test.
Use for:
- Analysis of specific areas of strengths and weakness, by national curriculum strand
- Fine monitoring of predicted progress over the coming year
- Parents’ evening reporting
The first page features an overall performance graph showing the Standardised Score on the test, allowing a quick visual representation of how the pupil is performing against the national average for his or her year group:
The summary data shows:
- The date the test was taken
- The pupil’s age at the time of the test
- Raw score
- The average score of the standardisation cohort for the gender of the child
- Standardised score
- Age-standardised score (not for PUMA 6 extension)
- Age-standardised Percentile (not for PUMA 6 extension)
- Hodder Scale score
- Reading/Mathematics/GPS age
- Yes/No flag - identifying if the pupil’s Maths/Reading Age is more than a year below their chronological age (not on GAPS or PUMA 6 Extension reports)
The second section shows the pupil’s performance by strand. The summary data shows:
- The date the test was taken
- The pupil’s raw score by strand out of maximum number of marks
The final information shown is the pupil’s predicted Hodder Scale score for the next three terms.
Pupil Progress Report (PIRA, PUMA and GaPS)
Please note: this report is not currently available for PUMA 6 Extension.
This report compares the performance of an individual pupil across several tests (up to a maximum of 6). Use for:
- Tracking progress, term-by-term
- Looking for patterns of strengths and weakness
- Demonstrating the impact of interventions
- Parents’ evening reporting
The first section features a graph showing the pupil’s performance across a series of tests. These are shown as standardised scores against the National Average standardised scores. The summary data shows:
- The date each test was taken
- The pupil’s age at the time of each test
- Their total raw score
- National average standardised score
- Standardised score
- Age-standardised score
- Hodder Scale score
- Age-standardised Percentile
- Reading/Mathematics/ GPS age
The second section shows the pupil’s performance by strand across up to 6 tests. The summary data shows:
- The date the test was taken
- The pupil’s raw score by strand out of maximum number of marks