Even if you are synced with your MIS, your learners will not be automatically promoted to the next year group and class at the start of a new academic year. Instead, you must perform a manual sync.
Performing a Manual Sync
- Log in to MARK as the Access Coordinator.
- Go to the purple Classes tab and ensure your current class names are listed.
- If you notice a class name is missing, click New Class in the bottom right corner, name the class, and then click Save Class. You do not need to populate the class with students--this will happen automatically when you run the manual sync.
- Go to School > MIS User Sync > Authorisation and click Start Sync.
- Proceed through the panels from Teachers to Finished. Review any new teacher and pupil imports; match any newly created classes to those in your MIS.
- When you reach the Finished panel, refresh the browser page or close and reopen the Admin Hub. The Students and Classes tabs will update with your newly-synced data.
Leavers and Desynced Students
Note that syncing with your MIS only adds data, it does not delete it. When pupils leave your school and are removed from your MIS, or are simply no longer in the range of year groups you wish to sync, they will become desynchronised in the Admin Hub, but their record will remain.
If you would like to delete these students, follow our guidance on deleting pupil records.