Before you can add learners to Boost Insights manually or by syncing them via your MIS, you must set up your year groups and classes in the Admin Hub.
Please note that learners can only be in one class at a time. If you have subject classes, follow the instructions below to set up your learners in their registration groups, then create custom groups to split them up by subject class.
Creating a Class
- Log in to Boost Insights.
- Click Admin Hub in the bottom left.
- Go to the purple Classes tab.
- Select New Class in the bottom right.
- Name the class and add a description (optional).
- Click Save Class.
If you already have learners in the Admin Hub, you will see them in the list on the left of the class creation window. Tick students in this list to add them to them class (this will remove them from their current class).
Editing a Class
To edit a class, select it in the purple Classes tab and click View/Edit in the bottom right. Alternatively, double-click the class.
If you manage your learners manually, then you will be able add and remove them from the class by ticking and unticking their names on the left and right-hand lists in the Edit Class panel. Greyed out learners are in Pupils > Without Access. You can still add them to the class, but they won't appear in Boost Insights until they're granted access.
You can also edit learners' classes by exporting a CSV file.
Deleting a Class
To delete a class, select it in the purple Classes tab and click Delete Class in the bottom left. The class must be empty before you can delete it.