Boost Insights is designed to help you collate and analyse your assessment data.
This quick start guide will walk you through each step, from the initial set up to downloading your reports and preparing for the next academic year, with links to the relevant help sections and articles.
If you would prefer a downloadable PDF guide for setting up your Boost Insights account, see the links below:
To access Boost Insights, click here or copy and paste the URL in your browser:
Review Our Technical Requirements
To ensure that Boost Insights works as expected, please review our technical requirements.
This is especially important if you plan on administering interactive tests.
Check Your Access Coordinator
The Access Coordinator is your user manager for Boost Insights. You'll need to know who they are to set up and manage your account.
If you've used MARK in the past, then the Access Coordinator will carry over to Boost Insights, along with their login credentials.
If your school is completely new to Hodder Education and our digital products, you'll need to register an account with us first, then sign in to Boost Insights with the same details. You'll be prompted to nominate an Access Coordinator while doing so.
Alternatively, if you're not sure who your Access Coordinator is or you need to change your Access Coordinator, contact the digital support team.
For more information about the Access Coordinator and other user accounts, click here.
Promote Learners, Add New Users, and Grant Access to Existing Ones
Returning MARK Customers
Returning customers will find their existing users have been added to Boost Insights automatically. Teachers who had access to MARK will also have access to Boost Insights by default.
For learners:
- If you have an existing MIS sync, see Promoting Learners with an MIS Sync to move your learners to the correct year groups and classes and import your new cohort immediately.
- If you do not have an existing MIS sync but would like to set one up, follow our instructions for syncing with Arbor or via Wonde.
- And if you would you like to manage your account without an MIS sync, see Promoting Learners Manually in Boost Insights, then Adding Learners in Boost Insights.
Once you've updated your MIS sync, set up a new one, or updated your learners manually, grant access to them so that they can use the platform.
New Customers
If you are new to Hodder Education and Boost Insights, then there are two main methods by which your Access Coordinator can set up your account.
The first option is to sync with your MIS. This will import your staff and learners immediately and automatically sync new starters throughout the year.
The second option is to add staff and learners manually. You can add staff to your account by entering their details directly, and you can add learners by entering their details directly or uploading them on a CSV file.
Administer Interactive Assessments, Record Your Marks
Once you've added your learners to Boost Insights, the next step is to record their test data on the system.
If you administer our interactive assessments, your learners' marks will be recorded automatically.
If you administer our paper tests, however, then you'll need to enter your learners' marks manually.
Any member of staff with access to Boost Insights can assign interactive tests and enter marks.
Analyse Your Test Data
As soon as your learners' marks are on the system, you can start generating reports to analyse the data.
Boost Insights includes a range of free reports as standard to help you analyse class, group, and individual performance.
Our Shine Interventions subscriptions offer even more options.
Prepare for the New Academic Year
At the start of a new academic year, your Access Coordinator will need to promote your learners to their new year groups and classes. In addition, they'll also want to remove any leavers once they no longer need their test data in Boost Insights.
For help promoting learners you manage manually, click here.
For help promoting learners who are synced via your MIS, click here.
For help deleting learners, click here.