If you oversee a number of schools within a MAT or School Group, you can add them to a MAT/School Group account with up to two admins.
MAT/School Group admins can view and download your schools' Boost Insights test data and reports without needing separate login credentials for each school account. They can also generate a MAT/School Group comparison report and help manage your schools' Boost Insights users.
MAT/School Group Account Setup Process
The steps below should be completed by one of the prospective MAT/School Group admins.
Please ensure you're registered with a school you'd like to add to your MAT/School Group account. Use the email address you want to log in with as MAT/School Group admin.
Part 1: Setting Up Your MAT/School Group Account and Admins
- Contact your local assessment consultant. They will verify your position at the MAT/School Group, then send you a 'School Upload' spreadsheet template and a link to the 'MAT/School Group Set Up' form.
- On the spreadsheet, fill in the name, postcode, and URN for each school you would like to add to the MAT/School Group account. (Leave the URN field blank if you are not a UK school or a British school overseas.)
- Open the link to the 'MAT/School Group Set Up' form and fill in your details, then upload the completed spreadsheet and click Submit Form. You will have the option to nominate a colleague for the second admin role.
- The digital support team will verify your request with your local assessment consultant, then set up your MAT/School Group account and admin role(s).
- You will receive an email asking you to accept the MAT/School Group admin role, as will your optional nominee for the second admin role. Follow the link in the email to do so.
To update your MAT/School Group with new schools or a new admin, contact your local assessment consultant again. They will send you a link to the 'MAT/School Group Update' form to complete, as well as a fresh 'School Upload' template if needed.
Part 2: Enabling MAT/School Group Admin Privileges
- Log in to Passport with your Hodder Education email and password. This should be the same account you nominated for the MAT/School Group admin role.
- Select Multi-Academy Trust / School Group.
- Click the Invitation not sent - send now links under the 'Status' column. This will email an invite to join the MAT/School Group to each school's Boost Insights Access Coordinator.
- After accepting the invite, the Access Coordinators need to log in to Boost Insights and open the Admin Hub in the bottom left corner.
- They should then go to School > MAT admin permissions and tick the MAT/School Group admin's name and the specific Boost Insights user management permissions they require.
If a new MAT/School Group admin is added later, the Access Coordinators will need to repeat the final step.