After clicking Start sync, you'll be taken to the Teachers sync panel. Click Proceed in the bottom right to see the sync screen.
Teachers on the left already exist in your Boost Insights Admin Hub. Teachers in the blue centre column are registered in your MIS.
Each record will have one of the following tags under the 'Status' column on the right:
- Not matched: Teachers who exist in your Admin Hub (shown in the left-hand column) but do not have a corresponding record in your MIS. These users will be unaffected by the sync.
- New: Teachers who exist in your MIS (show in the blue centre column) but do not have a corresponding record in your Admin Hub. Tick the 'Import?' column on the right next to each user you'd like to import, or click Select/Deselect all at the bottom.
- Matched: Teachers who have matching records in your Admin Hub and MIS. These users will be synced automatically.
- May match: Teachers who have very similar records in your Admin Hub and MIS. These users will be synced automatically unless you unmatch them (see below).
- Synced: Teachers who have been synced already. These users will remain synced.
- Desynced: Teachers who were synced but now aren't. This is usually because they've been removed from your MIS. These users will remain in the Admin Hub but will no longer be synced.
You must review any teachers tagged May match before syncing to ensure they're correct. If you do not, the system will assume that they are and overwrite the existing Admin Hub record with the one in your MIS. Select the incorrect row and click Unmatch at the bottom of the screen to separate them and import the MIS record as a new user instead.
To sync records marked Not matched and New that the system has failed to match automatically, select the unmatched record and click Match at the bottom of the screen.
Once you're happy that the records are correctly matched and you've ticked 'Import?' next to any 'New' teachers you'd like to sync, click Save and sync teachers in the bottom right. Newly imported teachers will receive an email asking them to verify their accounts and create a password.