If you assign a learner the 'Initial assessment only' credit, they will be able to take any initial assessments that are assigned to them by Boost.
They will also be able to see any diagnostic tests that are assigned to them. However, they will not be able to access the diagnostic tests until you assign them the 'Full subscription' credit.
If you assign a learner the full credit after the 'Initial assessment only' credit, they will not have to retake their initial assessments.
Assigning the Full Assessment Credit
- Log in to Boost.
- Click Open a Course on the main dashboard or the Courses icon on the left.
- Click the triangular share icon on the relevant subject.
- Untick the options to 'Include all Knowledge Tests' and 'Include teacher-only resources'.
- You can leave one or both of these options ticked if you prefer, and the system will still auto-assign work as intended. However, sharing all Knowledge Tests will also allow learners to complete the assessments as they see fit; sharing teacher-only resources will give them access to the answer sheets.
- Select the 'Full subscription' credit.
- CC any colleagues you would like to notify of the share so that they can view and edit it. (Optional.)
- Click Next.
- Under the Students tab, click Reshare next to the relevant learners.
- You cannot reshare the 'Full assessment' credit with a whole class or group at once. You must select each learner individually.
- Click Done.