Once you have logged into Boost, the home page presents you with different options and pathways to accessing the resources and features for your subscriptions.
The simplest way to get into a Reading Planet subscription is to click into ‘Open a course’, which is the blue circle icon/button below:
All your Boost subscriptions will appear in the ‘Subscribed Courses’ section, you can filter by subject if you have many to look through. You can also click the star icon to ‘favourite’ a course and keep it at the top of your dashboard as indicated in the below screenshot. You can click anywhere on a tile to open up the product.
When you click on the tile you will open the main welcome page for the product.
On the main welcome page there are coloured tiles that organise the resources into types. You can maximise this screen, then click through into your chosen resource type to browse and view the resources. In the case of Reading Planet, this will allow you to browse the books by strand (series) and colour band.
If you wish to download, print and/or share resources, go to the ‘Resource list’ tab as highlighted in the below screenshot.
(NB Remember to minimise the welcome page in order to see and then access the ‘Resource list’ tab.)