This article will show you how to complete a CSV template to add new students to Boost Learning or edit existing ones.
For instructions on how to download a blank template to add new users and upload the completed version, see Adding Student Accounts in Boost Learning.
For instructions on how to download a template with existing users and upload the edited version, see Editing Student Accounts in Boost Learning.
Note that you do not have to add and edit learners on separate CSV files. If you export a template with existing learners, you can follow the instructions below to add new learners on the same file.
Adding New Students
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be aware that column D (username/email) has been temporarily split into two separate columns. To upload your CSV, you must enter an email address or username in both columns. If you wish to enter a username, remember to enter a password in the 'Password' column as well.
Columns A (Action), C (User Type), D (Username/email), F (First Name), H (Last Name) and K (Access to application) are mandatory:
- Column A: Type 'A' (for ‘add’).
- Column C: Type 'S' (for ‘student’).
- Column D: Enter an email address or create a username for each student. Usernames must be at least six characters long and cannot contain any spaces; you will also need to enter a password at least six characters long and without spaces for these students in Column E. When students log in with a username, they must also enter your institution's centre ID number. This can be found under your institution's name at the top of the Admin Hub. Students registered with an email address do not need to enter a centre ID number when logging in, nor do they need a password set for them. They will receive a verification email asking them to create a password themselves instead.
- Columns F and H: Enter the students' first and last names, respectively.
- Column K: Type ‘Y’ (for 'yes') to grant a student access to Boost when the CSV is uploaded, or type 'N' (for 'no') to put them in Students > Without Access.
Columns B (User ID), E (Password), G (Middle Name), I (Interface), and J (Class) are optional:
- Column B: This column should be blank if you are adding new students.
- Column E: If you have created a username for a student in Column D instead of entering an email address, you will need to create a password for them here. The password should be at least six characters long with no spaces.
- Column G: Enter the student's middle name if desired.
- Column I: Set the eBook reader interface for each student. Type 'Primary' for students aged 4-11 or 'Secondary' for students aged 11-18.
- Column J: Complete this column to upload students in their classes. The classes must exist in the purple Classes tab already, and the formatting of the class name must match what is written in the Admin Hub exactly. For guidance on creating classes in the Admin Hub, click here.
The example below shows what a CSV template with the mandatory fields completed should look like. The first student will be registered with a username and password; the second student will be registered with an email address and automatically sent a verification email to create a password herself.
Editing Existing Students
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be aware that column D (username/email) has been temporarily split into two separate columns. To upload your CSV, you must enter an email address or username in both columns. If you wish to enter a username, remember to enter a password in the 'Password' column as well.
Columns A (Action), B (User ID), C (User Type), D (User Name/Email), F (First Name), H (Last Name), and K (Access to application) are mandatory:
- Column A: Type 'E' (for ‘edit’) in each row you update.
- Column B: This column will be populated with user ID numbers when you export the CSV of your existing students. Do not edit these numbers--it is how the system identifies your users when you reupload the CSV file.
- Column C: This column will be populated with an 'S' (for 'student') when you export the CSV of your existing students.
- Column D: Your students' current usernames or email addresses. These can be edited as desired. However, usernames must be at least six characters long and cannot contain any spaces; you will also need to enter a password at least six characters long and without spaces for these students in Column E. When students log in with a username, they must also enter your institution's centre ID number. This can be found under your institution's name at the top of the Admin Hub. Students registered with an email address do not need to enter a centre ID number when logging in, nor do they need a password set for them. They will receive a verification email asking them to create a password themselves instead.
- Columns F and H: Your students' first and last names, respectively. Edit as desired.
- Column K: Your students' current access status in Boost. Change to ‘Y’ (for 'yes') to grant a student access to Boost when the CSV is uploaded, or change to 'N' (for 'no') to move them to Students > Without Access.
Columns E (Password), G (Middle Name), I (Interface), and J (Class) are optional:
- Column E: The current passwords for any students registered with a username (Column D). Edit as desired. The password should be at least six characters long with no spaces. If a student is registered with an email address, ensure this column is blank.
- Column G: Your students' middle names. Edit as desired.
- Column I: Your students' current Boost eBook interface. Change to 'Primary' for students aged 4-11 or 'Secondary' for students aged 11-18.
- Column J: Complete this column to upload students in their classes. The classes must exist in the purple Classes tab already, and the formatting of the class name must match what is written in the Admin Hub exactly. For guidance on creating classes in the Admin Hub, click here.
The example below shows an exported CSV file of existing students in its original and edited form. (Edited fields are highlighted for clarity.)