If you previously used Reading Planet or Rocket Phonics products in My Rising Stars, then any users registered to your account will be imported to Boost automatically.
All of their login details will remain the same. However, they will need to be granted access to Boost by the Access Coordinator before they can log in.
Granting Access to Teachers
- Log in to Boost as the Access Coordinator.
- Your Access Coordinator should be the same as your Access Coordinator for My Rising Stars. Please contact the digital support team if you believe otherwise:
- Click the Admin Hub icon in the top right corner.
- Go to Teachers > Without Access.
- Select the teacher you would like to grant access to, then click Grant Access to Selected in the bottom left.
- Select teachers in bulk by selecting a row, holding 'Shift', and then selecting another row further down the list. Select multiple teachers at once by holding 'Ctrl' and clicking multiple rows.
If you would like to add new teachers to your account who weren't registered in My Rising Stars, click here.
Granting Access to Students
- Log in to Boost as the Access Coordinator.
- Your Access Coordinator should be the same as your Access Coordinator for My Rising Stars. Please contact the digital support team if you believe otherwise:
- Click the Admin Hub icon in the top right corner.
- Go to Students > Without Access.
- Select the student you would like to grant access to, then click Grant Access to Selected in the bottom left.
- Select students in bulk by selecting a row, holding 'Shift', and then selecting another row further down the list. Select multiple students at once by holding 'Ctrl' and clicking multiple rows.
If you would like to add new students to your account who weren't registered in My Rising Stars, click here.